120 Seconds Reine

Lofoten | Norway

2 Comments on “120 Seconds Reine

  1. Hello Achim,

    This image is incredible (along with all the others) do you mind sharing which filters you have used for this capture – and perhaps you processing workflow?


    • Hi Lars,

      thank you for your kind comment!

      I am not sure 100 % but as far as I remember I used a Lee 0.6 NDG soft to balance exposure and a Haida ND 1.8 to increase exposure time.

      In my workflow I use Photoshop exclusively. Raw conversion is done in Adobe Camera Raw and then global and selectiv adjustments for contrast, tonality and overall look in Photoshop.
      For the selective adjustments I work with luminosity masks. In terms of software effect filters there’s only the tonal contrast filter from Color Efex (Nik Software) that I use very subtly to give my images some pop.

      Greetings from Germany

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